Posted in Cerebral Palsy, Erb's Palsy, Faizah, Fateena, Fateha, Global Developmental Delay, So Random, The Family

Thousand Apologies

I have been on a silent mode for quite a while now. Blame it on the pressure of my studies; completing crazy heavy-duty assignments and other unworldly things I had to do. And for that, I apologise.  But now….

I AM FREE!!! well not really 100% free but at least a truck load of burden has been lifted so I feel so much better now, with a little more time in hand. hahah.

So what has been happening in our preemie boat?

1) Recently, we  were featured in a local tv programme, Di Hujung Pelangi (End of the Rainbow). No, we weren’t acting (although I wished it was) but we were creating awareness in everyone about the condition that Fateha had. When the co-producer and script writer came to our home to a chit-chat session, I mentioned all diagnosis: Global Developmental Delay, Speech Delay, Erb’s Palsy and Cerebral Palsy (CP). But what attracted them more was CP and we talked about it, our ups and downs, and how it got that way.

So when the day to film us came, the programme crew set up their stuff at our home. we went through several things that we could talk about and the host shared a bit with me about her own daughter who was born with amniotic band syndrome. we also visited a success CP story of a local actress’ son, who was 26 and a CP patient. it was very inspiring, to learn about them and the determination they had. hopefully, our future will be as bright as we want it to be. anyway, the whole filming took about half a day; they came at 11am and we ended in the evening.

here is a snippet of the episode that featured us. sorry that the programme is in Malay language. but there is English subtitles.

you can check out the full episode here, Di Hujung Pelangi Epi 7. It was a tearful experience, of course.

2) The littler girl, who is 17 months old now, has grown 3 little teeth!!! Yes I am very happy for I have been waiting to see them since long ago. But the only thing I hate about it is that when she nurses, it hurts a lot. Yea! I thought that I wanted to stop nursing her once she had teeth but it seems that she doesn’t wanna stop. oh well… as long as I do not bleed, I will still give.

gahhh! speaking of the devil, she is calling me now and tugging on my t-shirt. you know what that means. gotta scoot!